
The Role as a Reviewer on the MREB Board or a SREC Committee

1. As an ethics board member, how much time is expected before I return my review?

When new applications are received the researchers are informed that the review process takes four to six weeks. The statistical average for the past two years has been twenty-eight days, but there are many reasons why that number is high, correspondence between the chair and the researchers, following receipt of reviewer’s comments, being one of the reasons. Sometimes researchers request a quick turn around so they can begin research. The best answer to this question is ASAP!

2 When will my term of service on the board expire?

The term of service on the MREB varies from one to three academic years (July 1 – June 30) with the option to renew.

3. I really feel like I need additional education and training as an MREB member. Are there any resources available to me?

The Research Ethics Office will sponsor members of the MREB or SREC to attend conferences and workshops for further training in research ethics. On the other hand “building the ethics culture” doesn’t happen overnight. It often takes several years to become familiar with reviewing applications for ethics concerns.

Also consult the FAQ for reviewers: https://macremreview.mcmaster.ca/Personalisation/DisplayPage/5